Larry Foran

Larry Foran

I was born in Newcastle NB, and moved to Halifax 28 years ago. Most of my career has been focused on new construction. Im now focused on two new sub-divisions. One in Halifax with Ramar Construction and the other in Dartmouth with Whitestone Developments.

I bring twenty years of experience as one of metro's Top Producers in the HRM and have considerable experience in assisting First Time Buyers as well as all other aspects of residential Real Estate industry.
During my career I have regularly gained recognition from my peers by consistently receiving Bronze and Silver awards from Halifax/Dartmouth Real Estate Board.

Keep in mind that in todays competitive Real Estate Market, timing is everything. Many good homes are sold before they are ever advertised. Beat other home buyers to the hottest new homes for sale in Halifax with my New Listings Notifications.

In addition, if you have any general questions about buying or selling real estate in the Halifax/Dartmouth area, please contact me as Im more than willing to help.

"Seller of the Affordable Dreams"

Video Author: Christiaan Welzel Licence: ATTRIBUTION LICENSE 3.0